Insurance Companies: Report a Grievance |
Reforming the unfair, inappropriate practices and policies of healthcare insurers is of utmost importance to DCMA members. DCMA presents its new Report-a-Grievance online form which allows you to report the unfair, inappropriate practices and policies of health and workers' comp insurers. Unleash your frustrations with insurance companies! Reforming the egregious practices and policies of healthcare insurers is of utmost importance to DCMA members. The DCMA is committed to providing assistance to our members who are wrongly denied reimbursement for services rendered. We are also committed to advocating for reasonable reforms to the insurance statutes to address unfair business practices. DCMA's chief challenge to advocating against the powerful insurance lobby is a lack of emperical data which proves the need for change. We need proof in order to influence regulators and lawmakers. Please submit the form below anytime you encounter an unreasonable problem or circumstance with an insurer. Your confidential submission will become part of a data bank which identifies cases only by insurer, county, and subject matter. If we can provide immediate assistance through regulatory contacts in Tallahassee or by referring you to any local legal professionals working with our organization, we will let you know. Please make sure all of the information you provide is deidentified in accordance to HIPPA Standards. Please email DCMA with questions or concerns. Thank you for your participation. |
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